Monday, May 12, 2008

Leprechauns, Unicorns and other mythological creatures...

What happens when men get together?

* The story you are about to read is true. Individuals' names have been altered for protection.

A couple of weeks ago David had a 'Boys' Night Out'. This is an annual gathering precluded by a draft pick and at the close of season, losers buy dinner for this annual NCAA-college-basketball-champoionshiop-draft-pick-thing-a-ma-bob.

Suspects David, *oe, *ark and *oung went out for dinner at Crustaceans and continued their evening at San Francisco's AT&T ball park to watch David's beloved Giants play.

The following day, David and I were just shootin' the breeze over dinner and he began telling me about his night out. Apparently, they discussed my blog a bit.


If you recall, faithful followers, there was an instructional piece on the proper handling and installation of toilet paper (click here to read entry). Of course, of all the wonderful, delightful and engaging pieces I write, it was this particular one that garnered their attention.

David said: "So *ark says Heidi doesn't make a big deal about putting on the toilet roll".



I briefly gave the thought some consideration and my ratiocinations lead me to the following conclusions:

1. *ark is an imaginative creation of David's playful game of make-believe;


2. Heidi is an imaginative creation of *ark's playful game of make-believe.

Now, eventually, I will have to have the 'Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and Heidi are not real' conversation with Noah and David...but I'll wait. There's no hurt in a little magic and make-believe.

Do you believe in magic, come along with me. We'll dance until morning so it's just you and me...

1 comment:

Daniel Koo said...

very entertaining... as usual... is this piece making into your book too? how's the book coming along??? :-)