Thursday, June 19, 2008

While I was Waiting...

I wait.

A lot.

The other day, while I was waiting for Dave -- I ate.

I ate a peach.
An apricot.
Spicy beef jerky.
A can of mandarin oranges.
And some blue berries.

And then David came home.

Today, David asked if I wanted to carpool with him. It seemed like a harmless proposition. We left the house at 8:15am.

I got to work at 11:00am.

On our way he said he forgot something at the office.

So I waited. And while I waited...

I got gas.
Went to Safeway.
I bought a Sugar Donut, and Ole' Fashion Donut and a Bearclaw.
I went to Starbucks.
Bought a tall drip and grande passion tea.

He had to run a couple of errands on the way.

So I sat in the passenger seat and I ate the donut. Drank my tea. Checked my email. Bought some drums for Noah on Amazon. Looked at reviews for infant activity books.

And right now as we speak, I am waiting for David. And while I am waiting, I write this blog.

But I also ate a cookie.
Drank a bottle of Grape Vitamin Water.
Read about 50 blog entries.
Paid my bills.
Looked a old pictures and videos of Noah.

He just called...he's lost.

I have to go and give him directions.

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