David: Grace. I have something to confess to you.
[Pause...long pause.]
David: I got another ticket.
Grace: What do you mean another ticket? (Is he talking about season tickets to the Giants?)
[Pause...awkward guilty pause.]
Grace: Ack! You mean speeding ticket!
David: It was a total speed trap...blah blah blah.

And so the story goes. For some of you who are under the very false premise that David is as equally staid and calm behind the wheel as he is in person--you are WRONG!
This is his third speeding ticket in one year. And if you ask David, "Why?", he'll have a very Zen Monk-like response: "Sometimes I just wanna drive fast."
But really...it's ok.

Because if we're confessing our transgressions to one another--I spent $350 on facial cream the other day.
3rd ticket in a year hurts! but then again, so does a 350 facial cream!! :-D
david, you should check out www.trapster.com!
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