After catching an episode of "The Real Housewives of the OC", I found myself immersed in a deep depression. The thought that I belonged to the same taxonomic classification as these 'people' plunged me into a life threatening depression that took days to recover from.
In the fragile state that I was in, I should have stayed away from TV altogether, but I thought that Animal Planet would be a safe haven for the emotionally distraught--as far away from human disappointment as possible in the syndicated world of network television.
But who knew that a special on Borneo's wildlife would cause one to experience such theological and spiritual bewilderment. I happened to be watching a show that featured the Proboscis Monkey and I was so taken aback by the appearance--the nose--of the Proboscis Monkey that my immediate reaction was to wonder why God would allow such a thing?
I just don't understand it...

1 comment:
Hey Good luck on your pregnancy. Boy or girl?
Mary also watches the Real Housewives of the OC. I always give her a hard time about that and the Hills. =)
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