Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Once upon a time...


It's been quite some time.

[Is it still considered improper to use conjunctions in written 'stuff'?)

(And what is the difference between brackets and parentheses?]

I have not blogged in ages. Sad because so much has happened and now all those memories will be lost to the great abyss that my mind has become since having given birth to two living beings.

And Hardy was wrong, Time is not the father of Truth. It is just the Eradicator of remembrances so we just never remember the farcities. farcicalities. farcicalnitions. And yes, I have the right to make up words you've never seen or heard.

I'm writing because:

1. I read and old old old blog. In that old old old blog my closing statement was in Latin. It shocked and surprised me - in a not so good a way.

1a. I was shocked that I even knew 'some' Latin in my previous life. I felt like a woman who had suddenly uncovered evidence of her previous life, forgotten due to injuries sustained to the head - severe injuries. I realize that pregnancy = severe head trauma. Multiply that effect by two. I should be thankful that I can breathe without the assistance of beeping machines.

1b. I had to Google what !I! had written. "Amor Vincit Omnia". I wrote it just like that. Enlarged and in purple. I'm not sure what effect I was going for.

1c. "Love conquers all". The Google results offered a rather anticlimactic experience. It also offered some release. I had freaked initially because I feared the worst: my intelligence was slowly evaporating. But upon translation, I felt a wave of relief. Because the Old-Me wasn't smarter or more brilliant than the Now-Me. Just cornier. Let me revise that. The old me was corny. Or perhaps, lame? In any case, the relief is incredibly relieving.

2. I must commit my memories somewhere. Blogger is a great destination since Google handles all the logistics concerning recall. I don't have to worry about storage and backup and form and design and scrapbooking and stuff. I'll send my kids a link! How easy.

3. Your brain is a muscle. My brain is a muscle. (I suspect slightly larger than yours. Note that this comment is parenthetical so no need for offense or the huffing and puffing.) I must excercise this muscle. Because I will need it one day when I grow up.

Executive Summary of our life since my last entry:

March 2010 - Spring Training
May 2010 - David turned 40. Grace quit working at Google. Celebrated 3rd wedding anniversary: looked into couples counseling.
June 2010 - Grace turned 30.
July 2010 - Noah turned 3.
August 2010 - Present.

Throw in a rainbow and symphony of images, sounds, colors, people and places. Because those are the images that remain in my head as I look back on the past months. I cannot remember the specifics but good feelings remain :).

Hello again. It's good to be back.

Friday, February 5, 2010