Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Unbearable Cuteness of Being

How do I get through one night without you
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be
Oh I, I need you in my arms
Need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul
Without you, there'd be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There'd be no world left for me
And I, oh Baby, I don't know what I would do
I'd be lost if I lost you

I cannot find the words to describe how deeply in love I am with my child. There is nothing quite like the feeling and there are so many moments when I am overwhelmed with this new found love. Noah is now 14 months old and each and every day he gets cuter and cuter. I find myself falling hopelessly in love with him as I watch his personality emerge.

It is a fascinating experience.

All of it.

Changing me from the inside out.

I remember people asking me how I felt about becoming a mother when I was pregnant with Noah; I never knew that this was what it would be like. I never knew what to expect and so didn't have a response to the question. Certainly, there are challenges--and the sheer physical exhaustion leaves you a fraction of a functional human being!

Oh...but what Joy :)!

I often am surprised by the depth and magnitude of love that continues to evolve inside me as I build a relationship with Noah. I see this in David, as well, as I watch him partake in the joys and responsibilities of fatherhood. I can actually see the love between Noah and David growing with each passing day as they develop a deeper relationship and attachment to one another. The two are inseparable and Noah follows his father around like a eager young pup. I love watching the two of them together and I hope that Noah grows up to be as wonderful a man as his father. blog would not be complete without a funny story about Dave, now would it?

I was lying in bed with Noah, watching him in his peaceful slumber. Every now and then his eyes would flutter ever so slightly and I would nuzzle the soft down of hair on the crown of his head. Babies smell so sweet.

It was a beautiful and precious moment. The radio was playing in the background, and you could hear LeAnn crooning in the far distance "How do I live without you...How do I breathe without you...". I laid there in the half dark just watching my beautiful baby. It seemed as though we were frozen in time. In my mind's eye I could see Noah growing up and the years just rushing by. The reality of the shortness and brevity of life filled me with heart ache and a sense of urgency to do more with Noah, to be a better mother, to cook him better food, to read to him more, to play with him more, to sing to him more...

Suddenly, the bedroom door burst open and the hallway light poured into the room like floodlights on a prison tower.

Enter Dave.

I sit up, shocked by the intrusion and David walks into the master bathroom muttering under his breath that he needs something. I can feel Noah stirring out of his sleep.

He emerges with toilet plunger in hand and quickly passes me an apologetic look. Normally I would get mad but he looks so funny--standing there with evidence of his compromised situation. No need to pour salt on open wounds. He quietly left the room, gently closing the door behind him.

I could hear a flush somewhere behind the doors and walls that separate us.

All is well with the world.

Smörgåsbord [ˌsmœrɡɔsˈbuːɖ]

Smörgåsbord [ˌsmœrɡɔsˈbuːɖ] is a Swedish word which refers to a type of Scandinavian meal served buffet-style in Swedish cuisine.

Allow me serve you a smörgåsbord, a chronological buffet of noteworthy events (atleast, by my standards) that have been keeping our family busy these past couple months.

* Family vacation to Portland, OR/Seattle, WA
* Noah's First Birthday
* Dave's Softball Tournament (Big Daddy Dave came home with Best Offense...or maybe it was defense?)
* Giants - still hopeful chance for playoffs.

* I got a really bad sunburn at the Google Picnic. David made us stand in line for two hours to get some Google teddy bears for Noah. That's where my sunburn came from.
* Went to Outside Lands Music Festival and watched Jack Johnson LIVE in concert.
* Julie and Andre came a visited with us.
* My sister moved down south to start her PhD program.
* Another softball tournament
* Trip to Argentina
* Giants - dismal prospect for chance for playoffs.

* Had a TERRIBLE ant infestation. Which, I'd like to add, I decimated, destroyed, obliterated with my homemade ant bait.
* I made homemade cinnamon rolls for the first time from scratch. I should add that it wasn't the most successful attempt.
* I made homemade veggie/fruit wash.
* Finally installed shelved in the laundry closet.
* Babyproofed the house.
* 22 weeks pregnant. Me. Not Dave.
* Giants - maybe next season.

If I forgot to tell you that I'm pregnant--well, now you know :)

So that gut that you keep staring's a baby.